Showing posts with label pyramids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pyramids. Show all posts

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Ancient Aliens and the Ancient Astronaut Theory

Ancient Aliens: The Cosmic Connection to Human Civilization

Since time immemorial, humanity has been mesmerized by the enigmatic riddles woven into the tapestry of our past. Among the many captivating subjects that bewitch our imagination, few rival the allure of ancient aliens. The ancient astronaut theory, a tantalizing hypothesis, posits that our ancestors encountered advanced extraterrestrial beings who bestowed upon them knowledge, technology, and profound influence. In this captivating exploration, we will venture into the intricate web of ancient aliens, traversing the labyrinth of theories on this fascinating subject.

The ancient astronaut theory is a captivating notion that suggests civilizations from other planets or distant galaxies made contact with our ancient forebearers, shaping our development and leaving an indelible mark upon our history. Advocates argue that clues are embedded within ancient texts, religious scriptures, and enigmatic artwork, offering glimpses into these awe-inspiring extraterrestrial encounters. It is believed that our ancestors, in their limited understanding, interpreted these advanced beings as gods or celestial entities, attributing their remarkable abilities to divine powers.

Alien Encounters in Antiquity: Investigating Ancient Astronauts

The influence of ancient aliens upon our ancient civilizations cannot be understated. Some of the most remarkable ancient wonders and architectural marvels have been attributed to their intervention. The pyramids of Egypt, with their precise alignments and awe-inspiring construction techniques, have long been considered evidence of extraterrestrial involvement. Similarly, the perplexing Nazca Lines etched into the Peruvian desert, visible only from the sky, have ignited speculation about their purpose and potential connections to ancient aliens.

Furthermore, artifacts and archaeological discoveries continue to emerge, providing tantalizing hints of ancient astronaut influences. Ancient cave paintings portraying figures with elongated heads, large eyes, and other non-human characteristics are interpreted by some as depictions of extraterrestrial visitors. Meticulously crafted carvings adorning ancient temples and structures display intricate designs and advanced technological elements, further bolstering the notion of extraterrestrial intervention in human history.

Unearthing the Truth: Ancient Aliens and their Impact on History

Mythology and religion is filled with tales of gods and celestial beings descending from the heavens. These ancient myths and religious texts, often dismissed as mere fables, bear striking similarities across different cultures. The Anunnaki of Mesopotamian mythology or the Vimanas mentioned in ancient Hindu texts are believed by proponents of the ancient astronaut theory to be accounts of ancient alien encounters, veiled in the language and symbolism of the time.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the ancient astronaut theory is not without its skeptics and critics. Skeptics argue that the evidence put forth is subjective and open to interpretation. They propose alternative explanations, such as cultural diffusion or human ingenuity, to account for the remarkable achievements of ancient civilizations without invoking extraterrestrial interference.

In recent years, the concept of ancient aliens has pervaded popular culture, captivating audiences through television shows, documentaries, and literature. Programs like "Ancient Aliens" have propelled the subject into the mainstream, presenting alternative theories and unravelling the mysteries of ancient civilizations through the lens of ancient astronauts. This increased media exposure has further ignited public interest, fostering ongoing debates and fervent discussions surrounding the enigmatic realm of ancient aliens.

The Extraterrestrial Enigma: Ancient Aliens and Ancient Astronauts

The realm of ancient aliens and the ancient astronaut theory invites us to embark on a captivating journey of exploration and speculation. While proponents present compelling evidence, skeptics offer alternative explanations, creating a landscape of ongoing debates and fervent discussions. As we delve into the mysteries of our ancient past, it is crucial to maintain an open mind, questioning established narratives and embracing the pursuit of knowledge. Whether ancient aliens are fact or fiction, the allure of this enigmatic subject reminds us of our boundless curiosity and the enduring quest to unravel the secrets that shape our understanding of human history. The exploration of ancient aliens ultimately serves as a reminder of the vastness of the unknown and the endless possibilities that lie beyond the confines of our earthly existence!

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Sunday 28 May 2023

Possible Underwater City Found in America that's 12,000 Years-Old

In Search of Atlantis: George Gelé's Controversial Discovery off the Louisiana Coast

Beneath the waters near the uninhabited Chandeleur Islands, located 50 miles east of New Orleans, a retired architect named George Gelé claims to have discovered the remains of a submerged city that dates back 12,000 years. This amateur archaeologist believes that the mysterious granite stones found by local fishermen are actually architectural artifacts from an ancient lost civilization predating the well-known Inca, Maya, and Aztec civilizations of the Americas. Gelé's most astounding assertion is the presence of a pyramid, named "Crescentis," within the granite city, which he believes shares a geographical connection to the Great Pyramid of Giza. While Gelé's claims have been met with skepticism, they have sparked curiosity and debate among experts and locals alike.

Unexplained Granite Stones and Underwater Ruins:

The foundation of Gelé's theory rests on the discovery of strange square rocks made by local fishermen near the Chandeleur Islands. The presence of granite in the area is perplexing since it is not naturally found in Louisiana or Mississippi. Gelé, who has made 44 trips to the site over nearly 50 years, has produced underwater sonar images that he believes reveal discernible ruins of major buildings, including a large pyramid. These findings, covered in sand and silt, fuel Gelé's conviction that an ancient city lies submerged off the coast.

From Granite Stones to Submerged Ruins: The Intriguing Tale of Chandeleur's Underwater City
Where did the granite come from? Credit: WWLTV

The Electromagnetic Enigma:

Gelé's claims gain further support from eyewitness accounts, such as that of local shrimper Ricky Robin. Robin recalls his boat's compass spinning uncontrollably near the alleged pyramid's location, suggesting an intense electromagnetic energy emanating from the structure. According to Robin, all electronics on his boat malfunctioned in a manner reminiscent of the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon. These intriguing anecdotes add an element of mystery to Gelé's theory and have fuelled speculation about the origin and purpose of the granite structures.

Beyond Myth and Legend: Investigating the Possibility of an Ancient Underwater City
Are these ruins natural or ma-made? Credit: WWLTV

Alternative Explanations:

While Gelé's theory captures the imagination, many experts remain skeptical and propose alternative explanations for the granite stones and underwater ruins. A late 1980s Texas A&M study suggests that the granite blocks may have originated from old shipwrecks or served as ballast stones discarded by Spanish and French ships to lighten their load when entering shallow waters. Gelé himself presented similar possibilities in 2014, exploring the idea that the stone piles could be remnants of construction projects or the result of several shipwrecks. LSU archaeology professor Rob Mann suggests that the granite slabs might have been placed there in the 1940s during an attempt to create an artificial coral reef.

The Quest for Scientific Validation:

While Gelé's theory remains unproven, it has garnered attention and curiosity among researchers. However, to obtain serious scientific backing, Gelé's claims require further exploration. Future dives, advanced sonar technology, and satellite imaging could potentially provide the evidence needed to validate or refute his hypothesis. With over 80% of the ocean still unexplored, recent discoveries of ancient ruins and artefacts by underwater archaeologists demonstrate the potential for more extraordinary findings in the future.

Exploring the Uncharted: The Lost City Hypothesis and George Gelé's Intriguing Findings

George Gelé's assertion of a 12,000-year-old underwater city off the coast of Louisiana has generated excitement and skepticism in equal measure. While Gelé presents intriguing evidence, including the presence of granite stones and underwater sonar images of discernible ruins, alternative explanations propose more conventional origins for these artifacts. The quest for scientific validation continues, and as advancements in technology open up new possibilities for exploration, the mystery surrounding the alleged submerged city near the Chandeleur Islands remains unsolved. As we venture further into the unexplored depths of our oceans, there is always the promise of uncovering ancient civilizations and remarkable artifacts. The underwater world holds countless secrets that have yet to be revealed. Gelé's theory serves as a reminder that our understanding of history is constantly evolving, and there may be undiscovered chapters waiting to be explored.

While Gelé's claims may seem fantastical, it is essential to approach them with a critical lens. Skepticism is a vital part of the scientific process, ensuring that extraordinary claims are subjected to rigorous scrutiny. As experts continue to investigate the origins of the granite stones and underwater ruins, it is crucial to consider alternative explanations proposed by previous studies.

Nevertheless, Gelé's determination and passion for his findings should not be dismissed outright. His relentless pursuit of uncovering a lost civilization serves as a testament to the enduring human curiosity about our past. The allure of an ancient underwater city, complete with a pyramid emitting mysterious energy, captures our imagination and fuels the desire to explore uncharted territories.

The future of underwater exploration holds great promise. Advancements in sonar technology, satellite imaging, and deep-sea diving capabilities provide researchers with unprecedented tools to investigate and document submerged archaeological sites. These advancements may one day provide the conclusive evidence needed to support or debunk Gelé's claims.

Whether Gelé's hypothesis proves to be an accurate interpretation or an elaborate misconception, the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of our planet's mysteries remain at the forefront of scientific endeavors. The story of the alleged underwater city near the Chandeleur Islands is a reminder that our world continues to hold secrets waiting to be unearthed, and only through dedicated research, open-mindedness, and the relentless pursuit of truth can we hope to unlock the secrets of our past.

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Wednesday 24 May 2023

Recently Discovered Mayan Civilization Found Hidden in Jungle

Lost Cities Unveiled: Rediscovering the Magnificence of the Ancient Mayan Civilization
Image Credit: Al Argueta / Alamy Stock Photo / Wikimedia

Deep within the impenetrable jungles of Guatemala, a remarkable discovery is sending shockwaves through the archaeological community. In a landscape shrouded in mystery and centuries of overgrowth, an extensive network of Mayan cities has been unveiled, compelling experts to rewrite the pages of history. This astounding revelation unveils a tapestry of over 400 new settlements, each whispering secrets of a civilization long forgotten. The narrative of the Mayans, once thought to be that of wandering hunter-gatherers, is now transformed into a tale of thriving urban centers intricately connected through a ground-breaking system of roads—an ancient precursor to the modern freeway system. This unparalleled find has been hailed as a "game-changer," defying previous notions and transporting us to an era of extraordinary complexity and architectural grandeur. As we stand on the threshold of these resplendent Mayan cities, we are beckoned to embark on a transformative journey that promises to unravel a lost volume of human history and reshape our perception of one of the world's most enigmatic civilizations. Prepare to immerse yourself in the lush wonders of the El Mirador jungle as we venture forth into the heart of ancient Mayan civilization, where every crumbling stone and intricate artefact reveals a profound tale of ingenuity, heritage, and the enduring spirit of human endeavour.

Unearthing a Hidden Legacy:

The archaeological expedition in the El Mirador jungle has revealed a treasure trove of Mayan cities dating back to 1,000 BC. Previously believed to be nomadic hunter-gatherers, the Mayans, it turns out, were masters of urban planning and construction during the Preclassic period. Renowned archaeologist Richard Hansen described the discovery as a game-changer, highlighting the complexity and architectural sophistication of this ancient civilization.

The Mayan Enigma Revealed: Discovering a Vast Network of Lost Cities in Guatemala
Image Credit: Idaho State University/Richard Hansen

A Journey through Dense Wilderness:

Reaching the newly discovered sites was no easy feat. The El Mirador jungle, with its dense vegetation, presented a formidable challenge. The archaeological team had to navigate through treacherous terrain, confronting potential dangers from jaguars and snakes that roamed the area. The expeditions involved arduous 40-mile hikes or helicopter transport. These intrepid researchers defied the odds to unveil the hidden marvels concealed within the rainforest.

Unlocking the Secrets with Lidar Technology:

The ground-breaking research began in 2015, employing cutting-edge lidar technology to penetrate the dense foliage without causing harm to the environment. Lidar scans provided a unique perspective, generating 3D images of the ancient structures and revealing the foundations of the Mayan settlements. These advanced radar techniques allowed archaeologists to explore the hidden remnants of a civilization lost to time.

From the Depths of the Jungle: Exploring the Newly Discovered Mayan Metropolises

Discoveries That Transcend Expectations:

The findings surpassed all expectations, uncovering not only 417 new cities but also an astonishing 110 miles of interconnected "superhighways." Much like modern urban centers, the Mayan sites exhibited evidence of sophisticated hydraulic systems and agricultural infrastructure. The discoveries have provided a glimpse into a thriving civilization that flourished in the heart of the jungle for thousands of years.

Expanding the Known Boundaries:

The lidar technology not only confirmed existing settlements but also unveiled an additional 900 sites that were previously invisible to the naked eye. The application of this innovative technique has expanded our understanding of the extent and scale of the Mayan civilization. Archaeologist Enrique Hernández expressed his excitement about the discoveries, emphasizing the previously unimaginable scope of Mayan settlements that now come to light.

A Testament to Human Ingenuity:

The recent Mayan excavation has revealed a chapter of human history previously unknown. It attests to the incredible ingenuity, architectural mastery, and societal complexity of the ancient Mayan civilization. These findings provide valuable insights into the cultural, technological, and agricultural advancements of the Mayans, inviting us to reassess our understanding of this remarkable civilization.

The Mayan Empire Resurrected: Unveiling the Hidden Cities of Guatemala's Rainforests

The discovery of a vast network of Mayan cities in the Guatemalan jungle has rewritten the narrative of Mayan civilization. The unveiling of over 400 settlements, interconnected by roads, highlights the architectural sophistication and urban planning capabilities of the Mayans. Thanks to lidar technology, archaeologists have gained access to a hidden world, unlocking the secrets of an ancient civilization that thrived in the heart of the rainforest. This remarkable discovery stands as a testament to the enduring legacy and cultural significance of the Mayan civilization, leaving us in awe of their remarkable achievements.

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Wednesday 3 May 2023

Evidence of an Ancient Underwater City in Japan?

Uncovering the Mystery of the Yonaguni Monument: An Ancient Underwater City?

The Yonaguni Monument is an enormous underwater rock formation that covers an area of 60 by 50 meters. It was first discovered in the mid-1980s by a scuba diver looking to observe hammerhead sharks. It is situated off the south coast of Yonaguni, an island in Japan’s southwest corner, about 70 miles from Taiwan and is a popular scuba diving destination. Many people believe it is a monolith carved by man thousands of years ago. Masaaki Kimura, a marine geology and seismology professor at the University of Ryukyus, spent years studying the site and believes it was man-made, suggesting that ancient people once lived where it stands. It’s said to be evidence of the lost continent of Mu, long since submerged following a severe hurricane.

The monument was discovered in 1986 by Kihachiro Aratake, who was diving off the coast of Yonaguni Jima, searching for a new spot to view hammerhead sharks. Accidentally straying outside of the designated safety zone, he found a massive stone structure on the ocean floor at a depth of 35 meters. Despite the heavy encrustation of coral, he explored the monument, taking photographs before returning to shore.

Exploring the Enigma of Yonaguni Monument: Evidence of a Lost Civilization?

Kimura spent over 15 years studying the site, and his observations and data led him to conclude that it was man-made, suggesting that ancient people once lived where it stands. Kimura noted several specific artificial features that supported his theory. These features include marks from tools, a retaining wall, a (suggestive) road, drainage canals, gates, stairways, and two carved monuments shaped like turtles. Kimura also found the suggested remains of tools made from stone and a massive relief carved with animals. Kimura’s evidence initially led him to conclude that the city was over 10,000 years old. Later research led him to fix his estimate to be in the range of 2,000-3,000 years old.

However, skeptics generally dispute any speculation of ancient submerged cities, and the mystery of this site is no exception. Some argue that the straight lines of the formed structure could indicate nature’s natural process of erosion, as sandstones split along horizontal bedding plains that give these regular features. Others suggest that the formation was a foundation for a since-destroyed building or even a quarry for cutting stones. Some skeptics argue that the design and construction would be too complex and challenging for such an ancient people.

The Yonaguni Monument: A Geological Oddity or Evidence of Advanced Ancient Technology?

Evidence of an Ancient Underwater City in Japan?

The Yonaguni Monument remains a subject of fascination and debate among scientists, divers, and enthusiasts alike. While some believe it to be evidence of a lost civilization, others suggest it could be a natural formation or a modified natural structure. Despite years of research and study, there is no clear consensus on its origin or purpose. As such, the mystery of the Yonaguni Monument continues to capture the imagination of people around the world, drawing them to the shores of Yonaguni island to explore its underwater wonders and contemplate the enigma that lies beneath the surface of the sea.

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Saturday 29 April 2023

7 Fascinating Facts about the Great Pyramid of Egypt

Uncovering the Mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the world's most enigmatic structures, leaving researchers, historians, and tourists baffled by its mystery. Despite numerous attempts to solve its puzzle, there are still many enigmas surrounding this antique construction that have yet to be answered. It's fascinating that out of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid is the only one still standing. The precision with which it was built, the mystery behind how massive blocks of stone were quarried and transported, and the incorporation of these stones into the pyramid still leave many unanswered questions.

What makes the Great Pyramid even more intriguing is that it's the most accurately aligned structure on Earth, facing true north with a remarkable 3/60th of a degree of error. In fact, there are numerous other details about the Great Pyramid that are equally impressive. In this updated article, we explore various facts about the Great Pyramid, revealing ultimate evidence that this ancient structure was built by a civilization far more advanced than what mainstream scholars have been willing to admit. With bite-size chapters, readers will be drawn into the intriguing world of the Great Pyramid, eager to uncover the secrets behind this architectural masterpiece.

1. The Mysterious Numeric Value of 144,000

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a marvel of ancient engineering, and one of its most intriguing aspects is the role of the numeric value of 144,000 in its construction. This value is thought to have played a key role in the harmonic connection that determined the exact size of the structure. The outer mantle of the pyramid was composed of 144,000 casing stones, all highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, weighing approximately 15 tons each. The incorporation of such complex mathematical formulas in the pyramid's construction suggests the involvement of a far more advanced civilization than previously thought.

2. The Pyramid That Shone Like a Star

The Great Pyramid of Giza was originally covered with casing stones made of highly polished limestone, which reflected the sun's light and made the pyramid shine like a jewel. The ancient Egyptians called the Great Pyramid "Ikhet," meaning "Glorious Light." The pyramid's original casing stones have since been removed and used to build mosques, but it has been calculated that the original pyramid with its casing stones would have acted like gigantic mirrors, reflecting light so powerful that it would have been visible from the moon as a shining star on Earth. The mystery of how these blocks were transported and assembled into the pyramid remains unsolved.

Revealing the Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Engineering

3. Precision Alignment With True North

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the most accurately aligned structure in existence, facing true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error. The position of the North Pole moves over time, but the pyramid was once exactly aligned with it. Additionally, the Great Pyramid is located at the centre of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the ocean and the other at the Great Pyramid.

4. The Only 8-Sided Pyramid in Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only pyramid discovered to date that has eight sides. The centres of its four sides are indented with an extraordinary degree of precision, forming this unique shape that is only detectable from the air at dawn and sunset on the spring and autumn equinoxes, under the proper lighting conditions. This effect is not visible from the ground or from a distance, and the pyramid is the only one built this way.

5. The Celestial Connection

While many believe there is a correlation between the constellation of Orion and the Pyramids at the Giza plateau, the Descending Passage of the Great Pyramid also pointed to the pole star Alpha Draconis, circa 2170-2144 BCE, which was the North Star at that point in time. No other star has aligned with the passage since then. These celestial connections add to the enigma of the Great Pyramid and suggest an advanced understanding of astronomy by its builders.

6. The Great Pyramid: Not just a tomb

Despite popular belief that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a burial place for Pharaohs, no mummy has ever been discovered within its walls. This leads to speculation about the true purpose of the pyramid. Mainstream scholars believe it was constructed to house the remains of a Pharaoh, but the absence of a mummy suggests otherwise. When the pyramid was first explored by the Arabs in 820 AD, the only thing found inside was an empty granite box in the King's chamber known as the "coffer".

The Great Pyramid of Giza: Not Just a Tomb

7. The Enigma of the Great Pyramid's Coffin

The mysterious granite coffer found in the King's chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza raises questions about its purpose. The solid block of granite required the use of bronze saws with sapphire teeth, as well as tubular drills with tremendous force to hollow out the interior. The microscopic examination of the coffer has revealed that it was made using a fixed point drill with hard jewel bits, utilizing a drilling force of 2 tons. If the coffin was not intended for a Pharaoh, then what was its true function?

The Great Pyramid of Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a remarkable and enigmatic structure that has puzzled and fascinated people for centuries. Despite the vast amount of research that has been conducted on the pyramid, there are still many unanswered questions about its purpose, construction, and the people who built it. The various theories and interpretations surrounding the pyramid continue to intrigue researchers, archaeologists, and historians to this day.

The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Monument of Ancient Advanced Technology

One thing that is certain is that the Great Pyramid of Giza is a testament to the incredible engineering and architectural skills of its builders. The precision and complexity of the pyramid's construction are unparalleled in ancient history and even challenge modern engineering feats. The pyramid's alignment with true north, its eight-sided structure, and the mathematical formulas incorporated in its design all suggest a sophisticated understanding of astronomy, geometry, and mathematics by its builders.

Moreover, the Great Pyramid's unique features such as the polished limestone casing stones, the mysterious coffin in the King's chamber, and the alleged power plant design only add to the mystique and intrigue surrounding the pyramid. The absence of a mummy in the pyramid, despite mainstream theories suggesting otherwise, only deepens the mystery of the pyramid's purpose.

As we continue to uncover new information and perspectives on the Great Pyramid of Giza, we can only hope to gain a deeper understanding of this ancient wonder. Its significance and symbolism in ancient Egyptian culture, as well as its enduring legacy as a wonder of the world, will continue to inspire awe and curiosity for generations to come.

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Tuesday 25 April 2023

The Sphinx's Hidden Tunnels: What Lies Beneath the Surface?

The Sphinx's Hidden Passages: A Journey into Ancient Egypt's Secrets

The Great Sphinx is considered one of the most remarkable archaeological wonders of the ancient world. It is the largest carved, monolithic statue on Earth, as well as the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt. The sphinx is shrouded in mystery to this day, and there is much debate over its age, purpose, and who constructed it. Some believe that there are many secrets hidden underneath the surface, and various entrances lead to a vast subterranean world.

One entrance to the Great Sphinx, a shaft at the back of the monument, was first identified in 1679 by Johan Michael Vansleben and explored in full by Auguste Mariette in 1853. This entrance was sealed off in 1926 by Emile Baraize during restoration work on the Sphinx. Although Mariette saw this opening as a natural fissure, other scholars believe that it may be more than just that. The mysterious tunnel runs through the body of the Sphinx and leads to a void beneath the statue, which may be one of many natural channels that run beneath the Giza plateau's limestone.

The Secret Chambers Beneath the Sphinx

Another entrance is located on the top of the head of the Sphinx, and some authors have claimed that this entrance also leads to a subterranean world that has yet to be explored. The head of the Sphinx is said to lead to a smaller chamber in front of the statue. Evidence of these cavities beneath the statue was uncovered in 1987 by a Japanese group of scientists from Waseda University, who conducted an electromagnetic-sounding survey of the Khufu Pyramid and Sphinx.

The existence of these entrances and subterranean spaces is supported by several accounts of explorers throughout history. For example, Charles Thompson, who explored the Sphinx in 1733, spoke of entrances and a "hole in the top of the back" of the Sphinx. Thomas Dobecki and John Anthony used scientific equipment to explore the Sphinx's area and discovered subsurface cavities in front of the sphinx's left paw and the southern flank of the Sphinx.

Unearthing the Mysteries of the Sphinx's Secret Underground Network

One of the most famous legends surrounding the Sphinx is the existence of the Hall of Records, a library buried under the Great Sphinx in the Giza pyramid complex. This hall is rumoured to house the knowledge of the ancients in papyrus scrolls, much as the Great Library of Alexandria housed Grecian knowledge. However, there is debate as to whether the famous Hall of Records actually exists.

Some believe that the Sphinx, which sits on the sands of the Giza Plateau in front of the Great Pyramids, could be the gateway to a labyrinth of tunnels and passages and a whole "underground metropolis" that has been lost to the world due to a cover-up by the Egyptian authorities. Malcolm Hutton and Gerry Cannon believe that news of this lost city first hit the headlines due to a Sunday Express article from March 1935 on excavations taking place of an underground city which at the time was said to date back 4,000 years.

Despite various expeditions to explore these subterranean spaces, much of what lies beneath the Great Sphinx is still a mystery. The Sphinx and the Giza plateau are still heavily guarded by the Egyptian authorities, who have prevented further exploration of these areas.

Journeying into the Unknown: Exploring the Sphinx's Hidden Tunnels

The Great Sphinx of Giza remains an enigmatic and awe-inspiring monument, shrouded in mystery and myth. The possibility of hidden chambers, tunnels, and passages beneath the Sphinx has fascinated researchers, explorers, and historians for centuries. Despite numerous attempts to uncover the secrets of the Sphinx, the exact purpose and origins of this ancient monument remain a mystery. The debate about the existence of the Hall of Records and its contents continues to intrigue scholars and conspiracy theorists alike. 

Whether there is a labyrinth of tunnels and a subterranean metropolis hidden beneath the sands of the Giza Plateau remains to be seen. Nevertheless, the Great Sphinx of Giza remains an important symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization, a testament to their ingenuity, and a guardian of the secrets of the ages.

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Monday 17 April 2023

Uncovering the Secrets of Indonesia's Hidden Pyramid

The Oldest Pyramid in the World? Exploring the Mysteries of Gunung Padang

An enormous pyramid-like structure in Indonesia may represent the remains of an ancient temple that hid underground for thousands of years. Located atop Mount Padang in West Java, the structure is topped by an archaeological site that was discovered in the early 19th century and holds rows of ancient stone pillars. But the sloping “hill” underneath isn’t part of the natural, rocky landscape; it was crafted by human hands, scientists discovered.

While it may superficially resemble a pyramid, the structure differs from similar pyramids built by the Mayans. While Mayan pyramids tend to be symmetrical, this structure is elongated, with what appears to be a half-circle in the front.

Using ground-penetrating radar surveys, X-ray tomography, 2D and 3D imaging, core drilling, and excavations, researchers gradually uncovered several layers of a sizable structure. It spread over an area of around 15 hectares (150,000 square meters) and had been built up over millennia, with layers representing different periods. At the very top were pillars of basalt rocks framing step terraces, with other arrangements of rock columns “forming walls, paths, and spaces,” the scientists reported at AGU. They estimated this layer to be about 3,000 to 3,500 years old.

Underneath the surface, to a depth of about 10 feet (3 m), was a second layer of similar rock columns, thought to be 7,500 to 8,300 years old. And a third layer, extending 49 feet (15 m) below the surface, is more than 9,000 years old and could even date to 28,000 years ago, according to the researchers. Their surveys also detected multiple chambers underground.

Exploring Indonesia's Pyramid: The Search for Ancient Civilizations

Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, lead project researcher and a senior scientist with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, thinks Gunung Padang may be the oldest pyramid still standing on Earth. He and his colleagues suspected that the exposed megalith might be more than it appeared, because some partly exposed features in the existing archaeological site didn’t quite match the standing stones. The “peculiar” shape of the hill also stood out from the landscape, he said.

Today, local people still use the exposed site at the top of the structure as a sacred destination for prayer and meditation, and this could also be how it was used thousands of years ago, Natawidjaja said. However, the purpose of the pyramid remains a mystery, as does whether there is a tomb at its heart.

Gunung Padang has been an ancient pyramid hiding underneath a mountain in Indonesia for millennia. It looks like a large hill covered in broken columns of ancient volcanic rock, a kind of prehistoric graveyard where all the tombstones have been knocked down. For many years, archeologists thought the site was an ancient megalithic site, the remains of some stone monument prehistoric peoples had cobbled together on raised ground for a purpose lost to time.

While it was the largest megalithic site in Indonesia, it wasn’t nearly as significant as those in other places, and its stones weren’t the oldest; they were dated to around 2,500 years ago. Interest in the site was limited — that is, until 2010 when Danny Hilman Natawidjaja arrived on the scene.

Hilman thought there was more to the site than anyone suspected — and he was going to prove it. Using careful excavations and remote sensing techniques like ground-penetrating radar and seismic tomography, he and his team got to work.

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Temple Hidden Beneath Indonesian Hill

The majority of the 100-meter hill is man-made, and it’s not actually a hill at all. It’s a terraced pyramid built up over millennia by the oldest civilizations the region has ever known. Natawidjaja and his team began uncovering layer after layer of the structure, each one revealing more about the incredible feat of engineering that created it.

The bottom layer, buried beneath several meters of soil and rock, is thought to be more than 28,000 years old. If that date is accurate, it would mean the pyramid was built during the last Ice Age, when the region was still a lush tropical paradise. That makes it more than twice as old as the oldest known pyramid in Egypt, and nearly as old as the last glacial maximum, the coldest and most severe period of the Ice Age.

As Natawidjaja and his team worked their way up through the layers of the pyramid, they found evidence of more recent civilizations that had built on top of the older layers. The second layer, dating to around 8,000 years ago, showed signs of being heavily modified and possibly used for religious or spiritual purposes. The third layer, built around 3,000 years ago, was even more complex, with intricate terraces, staircases, and rooms built into the pyramid itself.

The topmost layer, which is exposed to the air, was built by the Sundanese civilization around 2,500 years ago. It consists of a series of stone pillars and terraces, and is thought to have been used for religious ceremonies and possibly even as an astronomical observatory.

As the team continued their excavations, they discovered evidence of multiple chambers and tunnels beneath the surface of the pyramid. Some of these chambers are thought to be burial chambers, while others may have been used for ritual purposes. The team also found evidence of water channels and reservoirs, suggesting that the pyramid may have been designed to channel water for agricultural purposes.

Despite all this evidence, there is still much we don’t know about the pyramid at Gunung Padang. We don’t know who built it, or why, or even what it was used for. Some have suggested that it may have been a temple or a tomb, while others believe it was an ancient power plant or even a UFO landing pad.

Whatever its purpose, the pyramid at Gunung Padang is an incredible achievement of ancient engineering and a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of our distant ancestors. As Natawidjaja and his team continue to work on the site, we can only imagine what other secrets it may reveal about the forgotten history of our planet.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Pyramid Power Plant: The Shocking Truth About the Great Pyramid of Giza

Did you know that some theorists believe the Great Pyramid of Giza was a giant energy machine? They suggest the pyramid was designed to transfer energy like power plants, but mainstream researchers reject this theory. Despite the mystery surrounding the pyramids, one thing is clear: they continue to fascinate and inspire people from all over the world.

The pyramids of Egypt have always been a subject of fascination and mystery for researchers and tourists alike. With their massive size and intricate engineering, the pyramids have always piqued the curiosity of scientists and also conspiracy theorists. In recent years, a theory has emerged that the pyramids of Egypt were not just tombs for pharaohs but were, in fact, giant energy machines.

Some theorists believe that the pyramids of Egypt were designed and built to transfer energy like power plants. They suggest that the granite blocks of the pyramids were originally encased in limestone, which acted as an insulator. This created a power conductor that was similar to rubber. The golden capstones on the pyramids, which have now been lost, were believed to be similar to the copper-tops on Duracell batteries. When piled up, the granite blocks created a magnetic field or radioactive one, depending on which engineering schematics one favors. This field had a profound effect on negative ions.

The King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid was designed to contain all the gold wiring that ran through the pyramid, creating a pharaonic circuit board. Some researchers believe that the pyramid was a cross between the Tower of Babel and the Tesla Tower, a massive source of wireless power.

The Great Pyramid of Giza: was it really a power plant all along?

These theorists suggest that the pyramids were capable of producing and transmitting electromagnetic frequencies. They believe that the ancient Egyptians used the pyramids to get more healthy energy. The ancient Egyptians and other cultures, such as the Mayans, are believed to have used this energy. This theory, however, has been rejected by mainstream researchers.

Many accounts from those who have climbed to the top of the Great Pyramid involve minuscule yet noticeable shifts in energy, prickling sensations in body extremities, and even cases of electric shock. Climbing to the top of the Great Pyramid is now illegal, but in the late 1800s, a British inventor named Sir William Siemens made it to the flat, settled summit. Upon reaching the summit, one of his guides remarked that when he raised his hand with his fingers spread, his ears picked up a shrill ringing noise. Siemens then raised a forefinger and felt a prickling sensation emanating from the tip and spreading through his hand. Not long after, the inventor went to quench his thirst with a celebratory sip of wine and received an electric shock from his lips touching the bottle.

According to the documentary, "The Pyramid Code," the only thing missing for the Great Pyramid of Giza to function as a power plant was a source of energy. The ancient builders of the Great Pyramid took advantage of the water at the Giza plateau, which is full of underground water channels. This high volume of water passing through these underground cavities is capable of producing an electrical current, known as physio-electricity. Physio-electricity can be defined as "electricity obtained from the natural physical movements with the help of certain harnessing devices."

The shape of the pyramid itself has led some to believe that pyramid "power plants" were possible. Still, there are many unanswered questions regarding the many theories about how the ancient Egyptians achieved this process. Despite the mystery surrounding the pyramids of Egypt, one thing is clear: these incredible structures continue to fascinate and inspire people from all over the world.

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Saturday 18 March 2023

Uncovering the Secrets of Antarctica: Alleged Discovery of Ancient Frozen Civilization

Uncovering the Secrets of Antarctica: Alleged Discovery of Ancient Frozen Civilization

In recent years, there have been reports of a secret archaeological excavation taking place in Antarctica, in which an ancient frozen civilization has been discovered buried beneath two miles of ice. While these reports remain unverified, they have sparked a great deal of interest and speculation in the scientific community and among conspiracy theorists alike.

One of the most prominent figures associated with these reports is Corey Goode, a self-proclaimed whistleblower who claims to have been taken to witness the discovery of the ancient civilization. Goode, who is known for his involvement in the so-called "secret space program," has made a number of controversial claims about the discovery, including the suggestion that the civilization was led by an alien race known as the "Pre-Adamites."

According to Goode, the excavation was first made by a Nazi expedition in 1939, but it wasn't until 2002 that archeologists and other scientists were allowed to begin excavating the site. Goode claims to have heard about the Antarctica excavations from several different sources, including a senior officer within a USAF led secret space program he dubbed "Sigmund." Sigmund allegedly became involved in a secret mission involving multiple abductions and debriefings of Goode, who was being tested for the reliability of his information.

Only when Goode's information and sources were found to be accurate, Sigmund shared some of his knowledge about the Antarctica excavations. According to him, the excavation involved a civilization led by 10-12-foot-tall "Pre-Adamites" with elongated skulls. The Pre-Adamites were aliens who had arrived on Earth about 55,000 years ago, a fact determined with the discovery of three oval-shaped motherships, about 30 miles in diameter, at the site.

Goode claims that immediately after being unearthed, one of the three ships was found to have many smaller spacecraft inside. The Pre-Adamite civilization, at least part of it based in Antarctica, had been flash frozen due to a catastrophic event, roughly dated back 12,000 years ago. Unfortunately, the most advanced technologies, along with the remains of Pre-Adamites, have allegedly been removed from one archaeological site that will be made public, and now the teams of scientists are working with what is left at the site.

While the claims made by Goode and others remain unverified, the possibility of an ancient civilization being discovered in Antarctica is not without precedent. In recent years, scientists have discovered evidence of a vast network of underground lakes and rivers beneath the ice of Antarctica, suggesting that the continent may have once been much warmer and more habitable than it is now.

Uncovering the Secrets of Antarctica: Alleged Discovery of Ancient Frozen Civilization

Additionally, there have been reports of other strange discoveries in Antarctica, including the recent discovery of a third pyramid covered in snow. While some have dismissed these reports as mere conspiracy theories, others believe that they provide tantalizing clues to a hidden history of our planet.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the alleged discovery of an ancient frozen civilization in Antarctica has captured the imaginations of many. Whether or not there is any truth to these claims, the idea of an advanced civilization existing in the depths of Antarctica remains a fascinating mystery.

Monday 10 April 2017

Unknown Pyramid TWICE The Size Of Giza Found In CHINA

The ancient pyramid is situated around 40 miles southwest of Xian, the biggest of sixteen pyramids situated in the territory assigned as a Shensi, or a "no-go range", an illegal zone by the Communist government.

 These confinements make it to a great degree troublesome for Westerners to visit the pyramid and take photos of it. But only a few people from the West have managed to view this unknown massive ancient pyramid.

It is still unknown when precisely the Great Pyramid of China was built. According to some Chinese archeologists the pyramid was erected amid the Hsia Dynasty from 2205 to 1767 B.C.

Ancient records protected in an old monastery close to the Mongolian border describe the ancient Xian pyramid in China.
Apparently, when these ancient records were first created, the huge mysterious pyramid was already extremely old.

The structure was said to be 1,000 feet in stature which made it the most elevated pyramid on the planet (the Great Pyramid of Egypt is 450 feet in height.)

The valleys in the area of the Xian pyramid are many different pyramids, some ascending to a height practically as big as the Xian pyramid.

Of what is known, the first Westerners to see the Chinese pyramid were two Australian merchants. Afterward, in 1912, Fred Meyer Schroeder, an American dealer employed a monk as a guide, who enlightened him about the monastery on the fact it contained vital data about the Xian pyramid.

The following person from the West who saw the Great Pyramid of China was James Gaussman, an American pilot. Amid WWII, Gaussman flew a C-47 transport plane with provisions from a U.S. base in India.

After two years, Sheahan another American pilot who had known about Gaussman's locating effectively found the Xian pyramid. He took a few photos which were distributed in the March 28, 1947 issue of the New York Times.
Chinese archeologists fully denied the presence of the Xian pyramid even with evidence in Sheahan's photos.

German analyst and adventurer Hartwig Hausdorf knew about the pyramid fifty years later he chose to go to China, with the expectation he could take in more about this strange old structure and its unknown ancient builders.

Hausdorf immediately saw how hesitant the Chinese were to talk about their pyramids. In the wake of taking a gander at Gaussman's photographs, Chinese archeologists unwillingly affirmed their reality by alluding to them as "only a couple of pyramidal structures close to Xian."

Whenever Hausdorf and his companion Peter Krassa arrived at the township of Xianyang, around 40 miles west of Xian they saw no less than 15 pyramids in the territory. The two scientists were shocked to see little trees planted on the sides of the pyramids to keep them covered up and blend in with the natural surrounding landscape.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Why Are Massive Pyramid Structures Located All Over The World?

If you ask the average person about the pyramids of Giza, they will probably tell you they were built for the purpose of tombs for the Pharaohs and were built by human slaves and that's really about it. They just simply don't know the mind boggling facts behind this mysterious piece of ancient architecture. There are also just as impressive pyramids at Bosnia and many other places.

The Great Pyramid is estimated to have about 2,300,000 stone blocks varying in weight from 2 to 50 tons. How those massive blocks were put into place so perfectly that the structure still stands to this day is highly debatable. Whoever built this pyramid, did it with such precision, that the structure is near perfect orientated north (Just like the pyramid at Bosnia). But what was the pyramid originally built for? Obviously, what we all get taught is that it was built by the enslaved people of Pharaoh Khufu. So it could later be used as a tomb for when the Pharaoh died. But what if this is totally wrong, and it was built for a purpose entirely different. A purpose which humanity is totally clueless too. An ancient power plant. Yes, an ancient power plant! It sounds absolutely crazy when you first hear the idea. How can a pyramid produce energy? Well apparently here’s how, the underground chamber of the pyramid was once part of a hydraulic system, the chamber had water pumped into it from the River Nile nearby.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in Visoko has only been recently discovered just over 10 years ago by Dr. Osmanagic. This structure looks just like the Great Pyramid of Egypt, but simply covered in thousands of years worth of vegetaAtion covering it. Infact, this pyramid is part of a bigger site in the area, known as "The Valley of the Bosnian Pyramids". This complex which is still to be fully excavated with work ongoing, is an extraordinary site. Various radar tests have been conducted and found passageways, walls, chambers and not to mention tunnels leading into the Pyramid of the Sun. It’s safe to say, this is a fascinating site that still has so much more to offer as it’s clearly built by some sort of intelligence species that pre-dates the pyramids of the Giza plateau in Egypt, and was apparently built by an unknown ancient civilization around 20,000 years ago!

The pyramids in Antarctica are not confirmed as being official pyramid structures as no true investigation has been done on them, assuming it’s because of lack of funding and the weather is so harsh out there plus governments don't allow public access to the area. But all you have to do is look at some of the pictures online of these ‘pyramids’, and they’re absolutely unbelievable. They clearly resemble pyramid structures, just covered in snow. There’s been all sorts of rumours about these shapes in Antartica, with some saying they’re just natural formations, and other theories such as secret military bases. Let’s not forget that the area used to be a lot warmer than it is there today. In 2009 scientists doing research in the area, suggested that the summer temperature got to about 20 degrees celsius, which means no snow and ice, so the area would of looked and been completely different and could of easily been livable in the distant past. Whatever they are, for now, we’ll never know. But these ‘structures’ definitely need looking into more!