Showing posts with label ooparts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ooparts. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Human Footprint from the Dinosaur Era: Evidence of an Advanced Civilization?

The Zapata Print: Evidence of Advanced Life on Earth Millions of Years Ago?

A human footprint, seemingly left behind nearly 299 million years ago, has been discovered in New Mexico. The rock, which belongs to the Permian Period (299 to 251 million years ago), contains a genuine human footprint, according to Dr. Don Patton. However, the Permian Period was a time when humans weren't supposed to exist. So, what does this finding suggest?

The enigmatic footprint has been a subject of controversy, with some experts claiming that it displays several "unnatural features" and isn't typical of genuine human prints. The line and position of the toes are somewhat unnatural, and the ball is narrower and round compared to most genuine prints. But, the print's authenticity has been confirmed by the mud up-push, a rim of raised relief around the print.

Despite the controversy, some researchers believe that this finding may be evidence of ancient civilizations on Earth. If we accept that our planet has been inhabited by countless ancient civilizations in the past and that advanced life has existed for millions of years, this finding could challenge what we know about our planet's history.

Did Humans Co-Exist with Dinosaurs? The Mystery of the Zapata Print

However, the enigmatic Permian footprint is not the only controversial find from this period. Palaeontologist Jerry MacDonald has collected a number of fossil tracks that include a few "problematica." These tracks feature creatures that appear to be walking on their hind legs, others that look almost simian, and a three-toed creature that apparently took a few steps and then disappeared, as though it took off and flew. MacDonald has several tracks with unusually large, deep, and scary-looking footprints, each with five arched toe marks, like nails, that look just like bear tracks. Mammals, including bears, evolved long after the Permian period, scientists agree, yet these tracks are clearly Permian.

The discovery of the Zapata track raises fascinating questions about the history of life on Earth. While some researchers believe that the Permian rock contains a genuine human footprint, others dispute its authenticity. Regardless of whether the footprint is real or not, it's clear that our understanding of Earth's history is incomplete, and that there may be many mysteries left to uncover. The possibility that advanced civilizations existed millions of years ago challenges conventional notions about the origins of human history, and raises new possibilities for exploration and discovery. As we continue to uncover new evidence about our planet's past, we may discover that the story of human history is far more complex and fascinating than we ever imagined. Whether or not the Zapata track is real, it serves as a reminder that there is always more to learn about the history of our planet and the life that has inhabited it over the ages.

Tuesday 4 April 2023

300-Million-Year-Old Wheel Discovered in Mine

Unexplained Discovery: Miner’s Photographs Reveal Fossilized Wheel Print

In 2008, a group of Ukrainian miners stumbled upon what appears to be the imprint of an ancient wheel while excavating the coal coking stratum J3 ‘Sukhodolsky’ in the town of Donetsk. At a depth of 900 meters (2952.76 feet), the workers were surprised to find the wheel-shaped imprint in the sandstone roof of the tunnel they had just excavated.

Unfortunately, the imprint could not be safely or successfully cut out due to the nature of the sandstone in which it was embedded. As a result, the artefact remains in situ down the coal mine. Fortunately, Deputy Chief V.V. Kruzhilin took photographs of the rare imprint and exchanged them with Mine Chief foreman S. Kasatkin, who brought news of the find to light.

The Rostov region surrounding Donetsk is situated upon Carboniferous rock aged between 360-300 million years ago, and the widely distributed coking coals have derived from the middle to late Carboniferous. As a result, the fossilized wheel print may be around 300 million years old.

Mysterious Fossilized Wheel Imprint Found in Donetsk Coal Mine

This would mean that an actual wheel became stuck millions of years ago and dissolved over time due to a process called diagenesis, where sediments are lithified into sedimentary rocks, as is common with fossil remains. The idea of a wheel existing millions of years ago is certainly a surprising one, and raises many questions about the evolution of human technology.

The testimony of S. Kasatkin, translated from Ukrainian, sheds some light on the discovery. According to his letter, the miners asked the mine director to invite scientists for a detailed examination of the object, but the director prohibited such talks and ordered them to accelerate work on passing through the section of lava and on fast ‘charging’ of the section with mining equipment.

The miners attempted to ‘cut-away’ the find with pick hammers, but the sandstone was so strong that they were afraid of damaging the imprint, and left it in place. At present, the mine is closed and access to the ‘object’ is impossible.

Without being able to definitively date the strata in which the fossilized wheel print was found, the photographs remain the only proof of this anomalous imprint. While it is difficult to verify the details beyond that which we have read, the photographs are certainly worth a mention. If the photographic evidence is legitimate, then one must question how a man-made wheel became embedded in such ancient strata when according to scientific orthodoxy, humans had not yet evolved.

Ancient Wheel Found in Coal Mine Leaves Scientists Puzzled

While the discovery of a fossilized wheel imprint in a Ukrainian coal mine is fascinating, it also raises intriguing questions about human history and the timeline of our development. If the imprint is indeed genuine, it suggests that an advanced civilization may have existed on Earth millions of years ago, far earlier than currently accepted by mainstream science.

Of course, the authenticity of the artefact remains unproven, and many sceptics argue that it is simply a natural formation that resembles a wheel. The lack of physical evidence and the difficulties in verifying the discovery make it difficult to draw any firm conclusions about its origin or age.

Nevertheless, the idea that an ancient civilization might have developed technology far beyond what we currently understand is a tantalizing possibility that should not be dismissed out of hand. The fossilized wheel imprint is a reminder that there is still much we do not know about our planet's past and the forces that shaped it.

Perhaps one day, with advances in technology and new discoveries, we will be able to shed more light on the mysteries of the past and unlock the secrets of lost civilizations. Until then, the fossilized wheel imprint will remain a fascinating but enigmatic artefact, open to interpretation and debate.

Read more - Lost City of the Grand Canyon: An Ancient Egyptian Connection?

Thursday 6 April 2017

Scientists Uncover 300 Million Year Old 'Man-Made' Metal Object

In the town of Vladivostok, Russia, a man found a rail-formed metal object which was found compressed in one of the bits of coal the man used to warmth his home. Hypnotized by his finding, the resident chose to look for assistance from professionals of the Primorye region. After the metal object in question was examined by these scientists, the man was stunned to find out about the expected age of his finding. The metal object was apparently 300 million years old but then the researchers recommend that it was not made by nature but rather was produced by somebody or something. The subject of who may have made a pure aluminum part in the beginning of time stays unanswered.

This oopart (out-of-place artifact) which was found at Vladivostok, is yet another revelation which astounded the researchers. The coal in which the metal in question was found was moved to Primorye from the Chernogorodskiy mines in the Khakasia district. Realizing that the coal of this district dates 300 million years back, Russian specialists determined that the metal object found here must be of the exact same age.

Close to seven centimeters in length, this oopart was found to be made out of 98 percent aluminum and 2 percent magnesium. From one viewpoint, such a composite confused the researchers even more in light of the fact that nearly 100% aluminum is not found in nature, proving the fact that this oopart was artificially made.

When it turned out to be evident that the metal object was produced using aluminum-magnesium composite the specialists rapidly found a response to the subject of how a metal detail could withstand the attacks of time so well. The researchers clarified that pure aluminum is highly resistant to oxidization which adds a unique layer shielding it from corrosion. Therefore, the metal detail made 98 percent aluminum can resist extreme heat and pressure.

Another fact that baffled the researchers was its particular shape which was reminiscent of an advanced tooth-wheel. It is difficult to envision that an object could take a consistent state of a tooth-wheel with six indistinguishable "teeth" naturally. Also the space between the "teeth" of the object were larger than the "teeth" themselves which may imply that the detail was once part of some advanced machine.

For now we can't say what this oopart actually is for certain, but one thing we do know is that it should not exist according to mainstream archaeology.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Why Are Massive Pyramid Structures Located All Over The World?

If you ask the average person about the pyramids of Giza, they will probably tell you they were built for the purpose of tombs for the Pharaohs and were built by human slaves and that's really about it. They just simply don't know the mind boggling facts behind this mysterious piece of ancient architecture. There are also just as impressive pyramids at Bosnia and many other places.

The Great Pyramid is estimated to have about 2,300,000 stone blocks varying in weight from 2 to 50 tons. How those massive blocks were put into place so perfectly that the structure still stands to this day is highly debatable. Whoever built this pyramid, did it with such precision, that the structure is near perfect orientated north (Just like the pyramid at Bosnia). But what was the pyramid originally built for? Obviously, what we all get taught is that it was built by the enslaved people of Pharaoh Khufu. So it could later be used as a tomb for when the Pharaoh died. But what if this is totally wrong, and it was built for a purpose entirely different. A purpose which humanity is totally clueless too. An ancient power plant. Yes, an ancient power plant! It sounds absolutely crazy when you first hear the idea. How can a pyramid produce energy? Well apparently here’s how, the underground chamber of the pyramid was once part of a hydraulic system, the chamber had water pumped into it from the River Nile nearby.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in Visoko has only been recently discovered just over 10 years ago by Dr. Osmanagic. This structure looks just like the Great Pyramid of Egypt, but simply covered in thousands of years worth of vegetaAtion covering it. Infact, this pyramid is part of a bigger site in the area, known as "The Valley of the Bosnian Pyramids". This complex which is still to be fully excavated with work ongoing, is an extraordinary site. Various radar tests have been conducted and found passageways, walls, chambers and not to mention tunnels leading into the Pyramid of the Sun. It’s safe to say, this is a fascinating site that still has so much more to offer as it’s clearly built by some sort of intelligence species that pre-dates the pyramids of the Giza plateau in Egypt, and was apparently built by an unknown ancient civilization around 20,000 years ago!

The pyramids in Antarctica are not confirmed as being official pyramid structures as no true investigation has been done on them, assuming it’s because of lack of funding and the weather is so harsh out there plus governments don't allow public access to the area. But all you have to do is look at some of the pictures online of these ‘pyramids’, and they’re absolutely unbelievable. They clearly resemble pyramid structures, just covered in snow. There’s been all sorts of rumours about these shapes in Antartica, with some saying they’re just natural formations, and other theories such as secret military bases. Let’s not forget that the area used to be a lot warmer than it is there today. In 2009 scientists doing research in the area, suggested that the summer temperature got to about 20 degrees celsius, which means no snow and ice, so the area would of looked and been completely different and could of easily been livable in the distant past. Whatever they are, for now, we’ll never know. But these ‘structures’ definitely need looking into more!