Showing posts with label underwater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label underwater. Show all posts

Sunday 28 May 2023

Possible Underwater City Found in America that's 12,000 Years-Old

In Search of Atlantis: George Gelé's Controversial Discovery off the Louisiana Coast

Beneath the waters near the uninhabited Chandeleur Islands, located 50 miles east of New Orleans, a retired architect named George Gelé claims to have discovered the remains of a submerged city that dates back 12,000 years. This amateur archaeologist believes that the mysterious granite stones found by local fishermen are actually architectural artifacts from an ancient lost civilization predating the well-known Inca, Maya, and Aztec civilizations of the Americas. Gelé's most astounding assertion is the presence of a pyramid, named "Crescentis," within the granite city, which he believes shares a geographical connection to the Great Pyramid of Giza. While Gelé's claims have been met with skepticism, they have sparked curiosity and debate among experts and locals alike.

Unexplained Granite Stones and Underwater Ruins:

The foundation of Gelé's theory rests on the discovery of strange square rocks made by local fishermen near the Chandeleur Islands. The presence of granite in the area is perplexing since it is not naturally found in Louisiana or Mississippi. Gelé, who has made 44 trips to the site over nearly 50 years, has produced underwater sonar images that he believes reveal discernible ruins of major buildings, including a large pyramid. These findings, covered in sand and silt, fuel Gelé's conviction that an ancient city lies submerged off the coast.

From Granite Stones to Submerged Ruins: The Intriguing Tale of Chandeleur's Underwater City
Where did the granite come from? Credit: WWLTV

The Electromagnetic Enigma:

Gelé's claims gain further support from eyewitness accounts, such as that of local shrimper Ricky Robin. Robin recalls his boat's compass spinning uncontrollably near the alleged pyramid's location, suggesting an intense electromagnetic energy emanating from the structure. According to Robin, all electronics on his boat malfunctioned in a manner reminiscent of the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon. These intriguing anecdotes add an element of mystery to Gelé's theory and have fuelled speculation about the origin and purpose of the granite structures.

Beyond Myth and Legend: Investigating the Possibility of an Ancient Underwater City
Are these ruins natural or ma-made? Credit: WWLTV

Alternative Explanations:

While Gelé's theory captures the imagination, many experts remain skeptical and propose alternative explanations for the granite stones and underwater ruins. A late 1980s Texas A&M study suggests that the granite blocks may have originated from old shipwrecks or served as ballast stones discarded by Spanish and French ships to lighten their load when entering shallow waters. Gelé himself presented similar possibilities in 2014, exploring the idea that the stone piles could be remnants of construction projects or the result of several shipwrecks. LSU archaeology professor Rob Mann suggests that the granite slabs might have been placed there in the 1940s during an attempt to create an artificial coral reef.

The Quest for Scientific Validation:

While Gelé's theory remains unproven, it has garnered attention and curiosity among researchers. However, to obtain serious scientific backing, Gelé's claims require further exploration. Future dives, advanced sonar technology, and satellite imaging could potentially provide the evidence needed to validate or refute his hypothesis. With over 80% of the ocean still unexplored, recent discoveries of ancient ruins and artefacts by underwater archaeologists demonstrate the potential for more extraordinary findings in the future.

Exploring the Uncharted: The Lost City Hypothesis and George Gelé's Intriguing Findings

George Gelé's assertion of a 12,000-year-old underwater city off the coast of Louisiana has generated excitement and skepticism in equal measure. While Gelé presents intriguing evidence, including the presence of granite stones and underwater sonar images of discernible ruins, alternative explanations propose more conventional origins for these artifacts. The quest for scientific validation continues, and as advancements in technology open up new possibilities for exploration, the mystery surrounding the alleged submerged city near the Chandeleur Islands remains unsolved. As we venture further into the unexplored depths of our oceans, there is always the promise of uncovering ancient civilizations and remarkable artifacts. The underwater world holds countless secrets that have yet to be revealed. Gelé's theory serves as a reminder that our understanding of history is constantly evolving, and there may be undiscovered chapters waiting to be explored.

While Gelé's claims may seem fantastical, it is essential to approach them with a critical lens. Skepticism is a vital part of the scientific process, ensuring that extraordinary claims are subjected to rigorous scrutiny. As experts continue to investigate the origins of the granite stones and underwater ruins, it is crucial to consider alternative explanations proposed by previous studies.

Nevertheless, Gelé's determination and passion for his findings should not be dismissed outright. His relentless pursuit of uncovering a lost civilization serves as a testament to the enduring human curiosity about our past. The allure of an ancient underwater city, complete with a pyramid emitting mysterious energy, captures our imagination and fuels the desire to explore uncharted territories.

The future of underwater exploration holds great promise. Advancements in sonar technology, satellite imaging, and deep-sea diving capabilities provide researchers with unprecedented tools to investigate and document submerged archaeological sites. These advancements may one day provide the conclusive evidence needed to support or debunk Gelé's claims.

Whether Gelé's hypothesis proves to be an accurate interpretation or an elaborate misconception, the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of our planet's mysteries remain at the forefront of scientific endeavors. The story of the alleged underwater city near the Chandeleur Islands is a reminder that our world continues to hold secrets waiting to be unearthed, and only through dedicated research, open-mindedness, and the relentless pursuit of truth can we hope to unlock the secrets of our past.

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Friday 12 May 2023

Malta's Underwater Cart Ruts and Temples: Unravelling the Mystery

Unveiling the Enigma: Malta's Submerged Cart Ruts and Temples

Malta, with its captivating Mediterranean waters and abundant marine life, offers a unique adventure for underwater enthusiasts. Beyond the picturesque scenes, explorers can uncover the enigma of Malta's underwater cart ruts and temples. These parallel grooves, found across the Maltese Islands, raise questions about their origin, purpose, and how they ended up submerged beneath the sea. With over 150 cart rut sites scattered throughout Malta, these ancient tracks continue to intrigue researchers and divers alike.

The cart ruts, distinct parallel grooves, are older than the famous megalithic buildings of Malta. They are found both on land and underwater, suggesting that some of these tracks were engulfed by rising sea levels or geological shifts over time. Some cart ruts mysteriously lead off cliffs, disappearing into the depths of the sea, adding to the intrigue surrounding their purpose and destination.

Lost Secrets of the Mediterranean: The Enigmatic Underwater Cart Ruts and Temples of Malta

Notably, the presence of submerged cart ruts indicates that they predate the speculated timeline provided by archaeologists. The depth at which they lie, up to 40 meters underwater, hints at an age even older than initially believed. The geological history of the region reveals that the sea level was significantly lower during the last ice age, around 10,000 years ago. Additionally, the Mediterranean Sea was completely dry approximately 5 million years ago. However, despite these insights into the changing landscape, the origins and motivations behind the cart ruts remain shrouded in mystery.

Malta and Gozo boast an intricate network of parallel tracks cut into limestone rocks, forming the enigmatic cart ruts. These tracks, resembling paths left by carts, can reach depths of up to 60 cm, with an average distance of 110 to 140 cm between them. Some tracks intersect or branch out, creating a complex pattern that evokes images of a vast railway switching yard. The prevailing belief is that these tracks emerged around 2,000 BC, following the arrival of settlers from Sicily during the Bronze Age.

Scholars have proposed various theories to explain the creation of the cart ruts. One prevalent idea suggests that heavy carts or sledges used for transporting materials, such as stones from quarries or megalithic blocks for temple construction, caused the grooves to form. Over time, the weight of the cargo and the repetitive movement eroded the topsoil, gradually carving tracks into the limestone bedrock. Another hypothesis proposes that the cart ruts served as irrigation channels, distributing water from springs to agricultural terraces. However, the parallel nature of the tracks poses a challenge to the irrigation theory.

Tracing Ancient Footprints: Exploring Malta's Underwater Cart Ruts and Mystical Temple Sites

One particularly intricate and extensive network of cart ruts is located at "Misrah Ghar il-Kbir" near the Dingli Cliffs. Dubbed "Clapham Junction" by an Englishman named David Trump, it resembles a bustling railway station. The cart ruts crisscross the landscape, spanning an area of approximately 8 hectares. Some tracks even lead toward ancient quarries, lending support to the theory that these tracks were created by sleds used to transport rocks.

Unearthing the secrets of Malta's underwater cart ruts and temples unveils a captivating chapter of the island's history. These enigmatic parallel grooves, both on land and submerged beneath the sea, continue to baffle experts and intrigue adventurers. As scholars grapple with theories of their origin and purpose, the allure of these ancient tracks persists, drawing divers and researchers into their mysterious depths. Malta's underwater cart ruts and temples stand as a testament to the island's rich past, inviting us to explore the enigma and marvel at the enduring mysteries that lie beneath the crystal-clear Mediterranean waters.

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Wednesday 3 May 2023

Evidence of an Ancient Underwater City in Japan?

Uncovering the Mystery of the Yonaguni Monument: An Ancient Underwater City?

The Yonaguni Monument is an enormous underwater rock formation that covers an area of 60 by 50 meters. It was first discovered in the mid-1980s by a scuba diver looking to observe hammerhead sharks. It is situated off the south coast of Yonaguni, an island in Japan’s southwest corner, about 70 miles from Taiwan and is a popular scuba diving destination. Many people believe it is a monolith carved by man thousands of years ago. Masaaki Kimura, a marine geology and seismology professor at the University of Ryukyus, spent years studying the site and believes it was man-made, suggesting that ancient people once lived where it stands. It’s said to be evidence of the lost continent of Mu, long since submerged following a severe hurricane.

The monument was discovered in 1986 by Kihachiro Aratake, who was diving off the coast of Yonaguni Jima, searching for a new spot to view hammerhead sharks. Accidentally straying outside of the designated safety zone, he found a massive stone structure on the ocean floor at a depth of 35 meters. Despite the heavy encrustation of coral, he explored the monument, taking photographs before returning to shore.

Exploring the Enigma of Yonaguni Monument: Evidence of a Lost Civilization?

Kimura spent over 15 years studying the site, and his observations and data led him to conclude that it was man-made, suggesting that ancient people once lived where it stands. Kimura noted several specific artificial features that supported his theory. These features include marks from tools, a retaining wall, a (suggestive) road, drainage canals, gates, stairways, and two carved monuments shaped like turtles. Kimura also found the suggested remains of tools made from stone and a massive relief carved with animals. Kimura’s evidence initially led him to conclude that the city was over 10,000 years old. Later research led him to fix his estimate to be in the range of 2,000-3,000 years old.

However, skeptics generally dispute any speculation of ancient submerged cities, and the mystery of this site is no exception. Some argue that the straight lines of the formed structure could indicate nature’s natural process of erosion, as sandstones split along horizontal bedding plains that give these regular features. Others suggest that the formation was a foundation for a since-destroyed building or even a quarry for cutting stones. Some skeptics argue that the design and construction would be too complex and challenging for such an ancient people.

The Yonaguni Monument: A Geological Oddity or Evidence of Advanced Ancient Technology?

Evidence of an Ancient Underwater City in Japan?

The Yonaguni Monument remains a subject of fascination and debate among scientists, divers, and enthusiasts alike. While some believe it to be evidence of a lost civilization, others suggest it could be a natural formation or a modified natural structure. Despite years of research and study, there is no clear consensus on its origin or purpose. As such, the mystery of the Yonaguni Monument continues to capture the imagination of people around the world, drawing them to the shores of Yonaguni island to explore its underwater wonders and contemplate the enigma that lies beneath the surface of the sea.

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Wednesday 29 March 2023

Underwater Mysteries: The Lost City of Cuba

Secrets of the Deep: Uncovering Cuba's Underwater City

Of all the mysteries that lie beneath the ocean, one of the most intriguing is the legend of a sunken city off the coast of Cuba. According to the legend, the city was built by an ancient civilization and contains many pyramids, statues, and other structures that have been covered by the ocean. It's a tale that has captured the imagination of people around the world, and in 2001, it became the subject of intense scientific study. Marine engineer Pauline Zalitzki and her husband Paul Weinzwieg, owners of a company working on an exploratory project in conjunction with the Cuban government, discovered the underwater city off the coast of the Guanahacabibes Peninsula in the Pinar del Río Province of Cuba. The site covers an area of 2 square kilometers, and sonar images captured by Zalitzki and her team show many strange stone structures, including large circles, pyramids, and smooth blocks of stone. The discovery has left scientists and archaeologists alike intrigued and searching for answers.

The possibility of sunken cities and lost civilizations has long been a fascination of both archaeologists and the general public. In 2001, marine engineer Pauline Zalitzki and her husband Paul Weinzwieg discovered what they believe to be an ancient sunken city off the coast of Cuba. The discovery has intrigued many experts, but also sparked a great deal of controversy.

The underwater city is located off the coast of the Guanahacabibes Peninsula in the Pinar del Río Province of Cuba. It covers an area of two square kilometers, and according to Zalitzki and her team, contains a number of intriguing stone structures. These structures include large circles, pyramids, and smooth blocks of stone.

Sunken Treasures: The Intriguing Story of Cuba's Underwater City

Zalitzki initially believed that the site could have been the remains of a large urban center that had been submerged by rising sea levels. However, the site's depth has made further exploration difficult. Despite the challenge, scientists have been intrigued by the discovery and have attempted to learn more about the site.

Several geological experts have weighed in on the underwater city in Cuba. Senior editor at National Geographic, John Enclave, studied the images and offered this comment: "They are interesting anomalies, but that's as much as anyone can say right now, but I'm no expert on sonar and until we are able to actually go down there and see, it will be difficult to characterize them."

A respected professor of oceanography named Robert Ballard was also skeptical of the discovery, stating that it was too deep to be human-made. "You have to ask yourself: how did it get there? I've looked at a lot of sonar images in my life, and it can be sort of like looking at an ink blot -- people can sometimes see what they want to see. I'll just wait for a bit more data."

Despite these reservations, many experts continue to believe that the site could be the remains of an ancient civilization. Marine geologist Manuel Iturralde found the site fascinating, but believed that further study was necessary before any conclusions could be drawn. He argued that it would take at least 50,000 years for human-made structures to sink to the depth at which they were found.

The sunken city off the coast of Cuba is a mysterious and intriguing discovery that has captivated the attention of scientists and historians. Although it is still uncertain whether the structures are the remains of an advanced civilization, or simply natural geological formations, the idea of an ancient city lying beneath the waves is undeniably fascinating.

Despite the difficulties of exploring such a deep and remote site, efforts are being made to learn more about this underwater world. With advancements in technology and a growing interest in oceanography, it is possible that one day we may uncover the true nature and history of Cuba's sunken city.

Until then, this enigmatic site remains a testament to the mysteries and wonders of our world, reminding us that there is still so much we have yet to discover and understand!

Read more - Underwater Lost Fortress Found In Lake Van, Turkey

Underwater Lost Fortress Found In Lake Van, Turkey

Decades-Long Search Leads to Discovery of Iron Age Castle in Turkey's Lake Van

Archaeologists from Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and the governorship of Turkey's Bitlis Province have made a significant discovery at the bottom of Lake Van, the largest lake in Turkey. They have uncovered the remains of a 3,000-year-old castle belonging to the Iron Age Armenian civilization, also known as the Kingdom of Van, Urartu, Ararat, and Armenia.

This underwater discovery is considered a breakthrough in the field of archaeology as it provides new insights into the history and culture of the ancient Armenian civilization that thrived in the region over 3,000 years ago. The underwater excavations were led by a team of divers who spent years exploring the lake and its surroundings before finally unearthing the well-preserved walls of the castle.

Exploring the Depths of History: Underwater Excavations Reveal 3,000-Year-Old Fortification in Lake Van.

The lake itself is believed to have been formed by a volcanic eruption of Mount Nemrut near the province of Van. The current water level of the reservoir is about 150 meters higher than it was during the Iron Age, making the underwater exploration a challenging task. However, the team of experts persevered and finally uncovered the hidden fortress deep below the surface of the lake.

The castle's discovery sheds new light on the ancient Armenian civilization's military and architectural prowess, providing valuable information about their defensive strategies, engineering techniques, and construction materials. The well-preserved condition of the castle's walls indicates that the structure was built to withstand not only the elements but also potential attacks from enemies.

This is just one example of the importance of underwater archaeology, which provides new and exciting insights into the history of our planet. It is also a testament to the perseverance and dedication of the team of experts who spent years exploring the lake and finally unearthed this hidden treasure.

Uncovering the Secrets of Turkey's Largest Lake: 3,000-Year-Old Fortification Discovered

The discovery has generated significant interest among historians, archaeologists, and the general public alike, and it is hoped that further investigations will reveal even more about the ancient Armenian civilization and its contributions to the world's cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the 3,000-year-old fortification at the bottom of Turkey's largest lake is a remarkable find that sheds light on the ancient civilizations that once inhabited the region. The underwater excavations led by Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and the governorship of Turkey's eastern Bitlis Province have provided archaeologists with valuable insights into the Iron Age Armenian civilization, also known as the Kingdom of Van, Urartu, Ararat, and Armenia. The discovery of the well-preserved wall of the castle, thought to have been built by the Urartu civilization, is a testament to the advanced engineering and building skills of the ancient people who once lived in the region. This discovery is significant as it deepens our understanding of the region's history and provides new opportunities for further research and exploration.

Saturday 25 March 2023

Operation Highjump: The Nazi Secret Base in Antarctica

Operation Highjump: The Nazi Secret Base in Antarctica

Operation Highjump was a United States Navy expedition to Antarctica, which took place from August 1946 to February 1947. The mission was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV and to conduct scientific studies of the region. However, there are rumors and historical mysteries surrounding this expedition, including a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, a flying saucer attack, and the occult origins of the Third Reich.

The Russian documentary "Third Reich – Operation UFO" explores these rumors and mysteries in detail. It suggests that there was a Nazi underground base in Antarctica called Base 211, which was home to advanced technologies such as anti-gravity engines and flying discs. The documentary also delves into the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program and the channeling of extraterrestrial engineering schematics by members of the German occult group Thule Society in the early part of the twentieth century.

According to the documentary, the United States Navy expedition was attacked by flying saucers in 1947. Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the commander of Operation Highjump, reported that the flying saucers were able to fly pole to pole and were much faster than any craft known to humans. He testified to Congress about these enemies with the ability to fly "pole to pole."

Operation Highjump: The Nazi Secret Base in Antarctica

The film also discusses the creation of "New Swabia," a pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica. German U-Boat submarine commanders testified to the existence of this area, and there are allegations of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers disappearing at the end of the war. These personnel cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa 'rat lines' or American 'Operation Paperclip' activities. The documentary analyzes the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica.

Furthermore, the documentary illustrates the many sightings of unknown crafts around the Antarctic region and the theoretical basis for polar wormholes as entrance and exit points for visiting extraterrestrial spaceships. It raises questions about the possible involvement of HAARP and why nearly all American Antarctic bases seem to be populated by agents of the National Security Agency and CIA.

Operation Highjump: The Nazi Secret Base in Antarctica

The interface of myth and reality is a shifting mosaic of fact, speculation, disinformation, and fantasy. The inclusion of high-ranking Russian scientists and military personnel in the documentary lends credibility to some of the claims made. The film is a reminder that the study of any phenomena and events that exist at the edges of consensus reality requires further research and investigation.

In conclusion, Operation Highjump remains a fascinating chapter in the exploration of Antarctica, and the rumors and mysteries surrounding it continue to capture the imagination of people around the world. While some of the claims made in the 2006 Russian documentary "Third Reich - Operation UFO" may be controversial and lacking in evidence, it is important to remain open to the possibility that there is much we do not yet understand about this remote and mysterious continent. Whether or not there is any truth to the alleged Nazi UFO program and secret base in Antarctica, the fact remains that Antarctica is a unique and important region for scientific research and exploration. As technology advances and new discoveries are made, it is possible that we may one day uncover more about the secrets hidden beneath the ice.

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