Showing posts with label sumerian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sumerian. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Anunnaki Metropolis: A Lost Civilization from 200,000 Years Ago?

Anunnaki Metropolis: A Lost Civilization from 200,000 Years Ago?

Something surprising has been discovered in an area of southern Africa. It is the remains of a large metropolis that measures conservatively around 1500 square kilometers. They have always been there; people noticed them before, but no one could remember who made them or why. Until recently, no one knew how many they were. Now they are everywhere - thousands and hundreds of thousands of them! - and the story they tell is the most important story of humanity, but one that could not be willing to listen.

It is part of an even larger community of nearly 10,000 square kilometers and appears to have been built. Are you ready? From 160,000 to 200,000 years before Christ! The image below is a close view of a few hundred meters of the landscape taken with Google Earth. The region is very remote, and "circles" are often faced with local farmers who are supposed to have been made by some indigenous peoples in the past, but strangely, nobody bothered to ask about who could have done it or how old it is.

Anunnaki Metropolis: A Lost Civilization from 200,000 Years Ago?

Anunnaki Metropolis: A Lost Civilization from 200,000 Years Ago?

This changed when researcher and author Michael Tellinger teamed up with Johan Heine, a local firefighter and pilot who had been flying over the region for years observing the ruins. Heine had the unique advantage of seeing the number and reach of these strange stone foundations and knew that their importance was not valued.

Anunnaki Metropolis: A Lost Civilization from 200,000 Years Ago?

One theory is that these structures were not built by humans alone, but with the help of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization known as the Anunnaki. According to the ancient Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki were a race of beings who came to Earth from a planet called Nibiru to mine gold. They genetically engineered humans to work in the mines and serve as their slaves.

Some researchers believe that the Anunnaki may have shared their advanced knowledge and technology with humans, including the ability to build these massive stone structures. The circular patterns found in the ruins are similar to those found in other ancient civilizations that also had contact with extraterrestrial beings, such as the Nazca lines in Peru.

Anunnaki Metropolis: A Lost Civilization from 200,000 Years Ago?

While this theory may seem far-fetched to some, it is important to keep an open mind when considering the mysteries of our ancient past. The discovery of the Anunnaki Metropolis raises many questions about the true origins of humanity and the possibility of advanced civilizations existing on Earth long before recorded history.

In conclusion, the discovery of the Anunnaki Metropolis in southern Africa has raised many questions about the history of humanity and our understanding of ancient civilizations. The vast size of the metropolis and the surrounding area, along with the numerous gold mines, suggest that this was a highly evolved and advanced civilization that existed over 200,000 years ago. The discovery challenges our current understanding of human history and forces us to reconsider the possibility of an ancient civilization that was capable of feats that we previously thought were impossible. As we continue to explore and uncover the secrets of this ancient metropolis, it is clear that our understanding of human history and our place in the universe will continue to evolve and change.